Taking Action for Family Values and a Christian Civilization


How the Internet Dumbs Down Smart Phone and Social Media Users

Perhaps the truest thing ever said about the Internet is the axiom, “If you aren’t paying for the product, you are the product.” Never has so broad a set of service and entertainment options been laid before humanity at little or no charge. However, “no charge” does not mean at “no cost.” So many options …

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This Is Why Social Media Isn’t Social and Can Harm Youth

On 26 December [2019] 17-year-old Bryce Gowdy from Deerfield Beach, Florida, posted a tweet: “To be or not to be.” A few days later, he committed suicide. The tell-tale tweet is typical of how social media has dominated the lives of young people. Even their deaths are announced for all who want to see. The …

This Is Why Social Media Isn’t Social and Can Harm Youth Read More »