Taking Action for Family Values and a Christian Civilization


Acts, Gestures, Attitudes and Omissions Can Characterise a Heretic

A book is titled Can Documents of the Magisterium of the Church Contain Errors? was published in 2016 and contains a collection of studies by a great expert on the Church’s Magisterium, Mr. Arnaldo Vidigal Xavier da Silveira. One section of the book examines the important question: can gestures, attitudes and omissions characterise a heretic? …

Acts, Gestures, Attitudes and Omissions Can Characterise a Heretic Read More »

Pope Francis’ Symbolic Gesture Commemorating Heretic Luther

Symbolic acts and gestures often have a greater persuasive power than words and reasoning, though one completes the other. This is why the Divine Saviour constantly used both symbolic gestures and employed metaphors and parables. This is also why the Church has always surrounded herself with symbols to make visible the beauty of her doctrine, …

Pope Francis’ Symbolic Gesture Commemorating Heretic Luther Read More »